Prefab ui browser
Prefab ui browser

prefab ui browser

Select Type to force the Hierarchy to display each element's C# type, regardless of whether it has a name.You can double-click an element to quickly rename it.Ĭlick the ⋮ icon in the top right corner of the Explorer toolbar to access a menu of display options for elements in the Hierarchy. If an element's name attribute is not set, it appears according to its C# type. You can drag elements in the Hierarchy to re-parent them.Įlements appear in the tree according to their name attributes. You can select elements to edit their properties in the Inspector. The Hierarchy section displays a live tree view of a UXML document's hierarchy. Any elements that the selector affects are highlighted in the Viewport. Select a selector from the list to open it in the Inspector, where you can edit its properties. UI Builder converts any class names in selectors into "pills" that you can drag onto elements in the Viewport or Hierarchy to apply the classes.


  • Enter the full selector name in the Add new selector.
  • In the Explorer, beside the Add new selector.
  • Enter the class name in the Add new selector.
  • text field, select the pseudo State (for example, Hover or Active). You can also create simple or complex selectors directly in the Explorer.
  • Click the Create new USS Selector button.
  • In the Inspector, enter the selector name in the StyleSheet > Selector field.
  • In the Explorer, click the StyleSheet header.
  • To create a new selector from the StyleSheet section, do one of the following:

    prefab ui browser

    UI Builder supports one USS style sheet per UXML document.

    Prefab ui browser