If an idea was remote and obscure, He would show His listeners a picture from their daily lives. He used each flower and each blade of grass to draw the eye of man from earth to Heaven, towards the doctrines of His kingdom. Like Solomon before him, Christ was a close observer of the world of sunlight and meadow. David and Debbie, who have an unspoken attraction for each other, try to do whatever they can to make a go of the farm despite Matthews' actions, and before those actions irreparably damage the land and/or worse kill someone. David also becomes Susie's ally as he is a supporter of and adviser for the local 4H club, the lamb project which would be a perfect fit if Susie were to become a member, which she desperately wants. David Barkley, the local agricultural county agent, tries to advise Matthews about certain aspects of the farm, from dealing with the different climate compared to their former farm site, to topographical and geological issues, all that advice falling on Matthews' deaf ears. Such ideas against his include Debbie believing the farm too expensive for the many deficiencies it has, and Susie wanting a few dollars to purchase two lambs to raise as something all her own, her father who characterizes her wants as selfish in light of his want to buy a tractor as oppose to renting one with less money. He has these votes as he and the other family members know that Abby and Phin will always vote with him, the former to retain his favor and the latter out of fear regardless of Phin's true thoughts as their father always convinces out of coercion. He, however, likes to portray himself as being fair and democratic, all important family matters which are decided on by a family vote. He has a "my way or the high way" mentality about most things in life, most specifically about running a farm, he believing his experience trumping everything else. Widowed Old Man Matthews, who has lived his entire life as a farmer, has moved his family of himself and his four young adult to adolescent offspring - Deborah, Phineas, Abigail and Susan - to a just purchased farm in Millwood, following the ecological demise of their last farm on which he was able to collect insurance.